With so many different companies competing for the same audience out there, it’s very important to set your brand apart and emerge as a voice of authority within your chosen niche. But many startups and businesses are still hesitant when it comes to one of the most effective ways to promote your brand – running a blog. Maybe you don’t feel creative enough, or you don’t think it’s worth your time to invest in running a personalized blog, but we’re here to tell you all the reasons why that couldn’t be further from the truth! Here’s why every startup should be running a blog, plus some ways to help you promote your blog content. 

Let’s dive right in!

1. Blogs Make Your Business Visible 

Blogs give you the opportunity to drive traffic to your website and build trust in your company by providing content of genuine value to your audience. Without this valuable content to capture search traffic, your amazing website, company and product are as good as invisible. Let’s think of it this way: if you type any question into a Google Search, you’ll be met with blog post after blog post on the first search result page. What does that mean? Companies with blogs are gaining an advantage over all others by putting forward valuable content as a lure – not in a nefarious way, of course, it’s more like luring them toward the help they need. This traffic is also completely organic and free. You cannot beat that. 

2. Blogs Grow Your Engagement 

Along with all of this organic traffic, you’ll see a spike in your engagements when you start running a blog. Make sure to encourage comments and, most importantly, respond to those comments! This is equally important when it comes to promoting your blog content on social media. By offering content of genuine value, you’ll see a great engagement from your readers. What better way to spark up an engaging conversation with them? This is why blogs are the perfect way to boost your social media engagement and translate it to website traffic. 

3. Blogs Raise Your Website Rankings

Can you guess what comes with increased engagement? Yep, an increase in your website rankings. How your site ranks on the search engine can have a lot to do with the type of content it houses and the type of engagement you’re driving with that content. When the search engine sees that your content is valuable to its readers it rewards your site with higher rankings and better visibility. 

4. Blogs Build Your Reputation

Building trust in your company is important to any business, but it’s especially crucial when it comes to startups. Your blog is the perfect way to claim your place as a trusted expert within your industry and connect to other highly trusted sites to help boost your juice. Make sure you’re including lots of relevant and useful links to trusted sources and try to nurture relationships with these companies. Soon, you’ll be looked to as a point of authority, which means more trust and business from your potential clients. 

5. Blogs Can Raise Your Sales

All of these benefits are great on their own, but they also lead to an overall increase in your sales. After all, every effort you make to promote your business should result in some type of ROI. This doesn’t have to happen indirectly and over a long span of time either. Blogs are a fantastic way to organically promote your own products or services. In fact, adding a CTA to your blog is much more effective than an advertisement because you’re pitching to an engaged audience and have plenty of room and time to naturally lead them to that CTA without an abrupt pitch.

Promoting Your Blog

Now that we’ve covered some reasons why you definitely need to run a blog, let’s get into a few ways you can promote your blog posts once you’re up and running. 

1. Use SEO and Research Keywords: Just publishing a random blog post won’t actually grow your reach. Just like anything else, you’ll need to work to promote it to an interested audience. The best way to start is to build your blog post around a set of keywords that you’ve researched and deemed appropriate for your target readers. This will organically grow your content’s reach. 

2. E-Mail Marketing: This is especially useful if you already have an active email list. If you do, make sure to send and promote any new blog activity. Since these are people who have chosen to receive this type of communication from you, you’ll likely see good engagement. 

3. Use Social Media: As we said before, blogs make for great social media content because they’re offering value instead of asking your reader for something. Use your social media handles to promote viewing and sharing your content to grow its reach naturally. You can do this on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or any other platform that seems appropriate. 

4. Use Other Influencers: Nobody said you had to promote your content all by yourself. You can also enlist the help of social media influencers or other connections you have within your industry. The more buzz you can create around your blog the better, so don’t hesitate to think outside of the box and enlist outside help. 

5. Paid Media: You can’t mention promoting your blog without touching on paid marketing. As with any new product or offering, you can also use paid media to promote your blog content. Make sure you’re also getting plenty of ROI by adding lots of internal links and encouraging email sign ups within the post. 

We hope you’ll agree that blogs are a fantastic way to drive growth and trust in your company, which no business in the digital age can afford to skip. A well-run blog will not only drive engagement, but also make your brand more visible and establish your brand as a voice of authority. Make sure you produce and promote valuable blog content, and it will pay you back in spades!