Facebook ads are an art and a science. There’s so much that goes into these ads. Well-executed ads feel natural. They’re warm without being too salesy. They blend seamlessly with organic content. 

But that doesn’t mean they don’t involve a lot of work. Just like the ever-popular minimalist look, successful ads take some planning to achieve the effortless feel. 

Here are some of the top mistakes people make when running Facebook ad campaigns. 

#1: Working off the Automatic Settings

This is important when it comes to placement. The big catch here is that your budget has to be followed. Using the automatic placements can quickly use most of your budget before you have time to track results. 

Try manually selecting placement, especially when it comes to Instagram ads. This is one of those cases where computers don’t always know better than humans. Do your research for best placement, and use your budget wisely. 

#2: Incorrect Optimization

Every ad has a goal. Be meticulous with your campaign construction. Go so far as to get an audit if you’re unsure of whether you’ve aligned everything correctly. 

For example, don’t create a lead generation form for a campaign that’s not optimized for lead generation. You will only confuse your audience. 

#3: Forgetting To Manage Successful Ads

Many people neglect their successful ads. They make new ones instead. Don’t be afraid to continue something that’s already successful. 

There is such a thing as too many ads in one campaign. Keep editing! Don’t run too many ads that aren’t thought out well. 

Again, don’t be afraid to meet with a consultant if your ads are quickly increasing in number. 

#4: Forgetting To Follow Up

Follow up on those campaigns! This is a cardinal sin when it comes to social media marketing. Think of follow-up as part of the customer service process. You would never forget to give someone a receipt, or ask them how they liked their purchase. 

In the same way, remember to analyze your campaigns when they are through. Tweak copy, adjust placement, and more until everything is as optimized as it can be. 

#5: Going for the Hard Sell

Social media marketing is its own program. It’s tempting to use a platform to go for the hard sell. Many Facebook marketers come across as too strong. Too many exclamation points and capital letters are just part of the problem. 

Social media marketing means building relationships. Using your time to connect is more profitable in the long run than trying to run the loudest campaign you can. 

#6: Trying To Take Before You Give

Social media marketing is an exercise in generosity. Remember to consistently provide value for your customers before you ask for something. Keep in mind that people use social media largely for entertainment and visiting with people they care about. You have to blend in. 

#7: Doubling Up

When it comes to campaigns, some people actually end up competing with themselves. They run too many similar campaigns at once. Keep your focus, and run your closely related campaigns at different times. 

#8: Giving Up

Some campaigns aren’t successful right off the bat. If you have a real need for the campaign to be successful, keep at it. Be smart. Don’t throw your money away while you guess. Get a campaign audit, do your research, and adjust the focus if you need to until it works. 

#9: Using the Wrong Scope

Campaigns have a sweet spot when it comes to scope. Your campaign should not be too broad. Likewise, it shouldn’t be too narrow. 

Ask yourself if most of the people who will see your ad will have strong motivation to click. Also make sure that enough people will see it. Ask an expert if you’re unsure of how your measurements stack up. 

#10: Not Using Custom Audiences

This is a key component of successful campaigns. You don’t have to work with the audience that a computer comes up with. Refine your own audiences to make sure you’re targeting the right people. Here is where research will benefit you. 

#11: The Wrong Words

Copywriting is important for social media. Those ads that come across as natural and friendly are actually carefully written. Enlist a professional if you’re not getting the conversion rate you want. You can have a good campaign strategy, but without great copy it likely won’t work. 

#12:Too Much Image Text

This is a big one. Your text must be minimal. Make sure that your font is extremely readable for the images you want to use. 

#13: Visually Boring Ads

Always make your ads interesting. There’s no set formula. It’s about how the elements work together. With just a little tweaking, a good ad may become boring. It’s a good idea to refresh your mind when it comes to the latest in graphic design if you’re making an ad. 

#14: The Wrong Type of Ad

From GIF to canvas ads, there’s an application for every type. Make sure that you are working with the correct one. If you don’t know how to make your ad stand out, you can benefit from research. But the fastest route is probably to talk to an art director at an agency. Don’t be shy! 

#15: Boring Headlines

Your headlines absolutely must be amazing. Here is where it will benefit you to spend on a copywriter. Capitals and exclamation marks do not make a headline. Great copy makes a headline.