Most entrepreneurs know that social media is an essential part of digital marketing. It is effective in increasing visibility, web traffic, leads, and conversions. 

Digital marketing today necessitates an intentional and focused social media strategy that increases organic reach. However, it’s actually difficult to have a high organic reach right now because of social media algorithms, which makes what would be effective marketing strategies, less effective. 

The people that see your content organically, without paid advertisements and promotions, make up your organic reach. These are the people that click on a link to one of your articles that someone posted on Facebook, or that visit your website based on a social media recommendation. 

Your organic reach consists of those who visit your website naturally and engage with your content. They may comment, share a post on social media, or even take a call to action that’s on your site. 

This type of lead development and conversion is essential, and yet Facebook and Instagram algorithms have made organic reaches decline. With so much content out there, literally millions of pieces being published daily, as well as the fact that algorithms narrow down the content that appears for social media users, showing them only what the algorithms deem relevant, organic reach is at an all-time low. 

With organic reach continuing to decline, many entrepreneurs and owners are wondering what they can do to increase theirs. Knowing that it is an important aspect of their business, they are looking for ways to essentially beat the algorithms and ensure a broad organic reach.

Tips for Organic Reach

While it may be difficult to have a high organic reach due to the algorithms that Facebook and Instagram use, there are a number of things that you can do to help increase yours. By following some of these suggestions, you will be able to best the algorithms and widen your organic reach.

Optimize your profile on social media platforms

Optimization is essential if you want to increase your visibility. Consumers need to be drawn to your profile and you need to have some memorable aspects that will continue to remind them of you. Not only that, you want your profile to provide a simple way for your audience to learn more about you, find your website, and take a call to action. 

In order to optimize your profile, choose a memorable username and logo design as your profile picture. Write your description using relevant and rich keywords. Make sure and include a link to your website so that they can visit to build a deeper connection with your business. 

Keep your focus on specific platforms

There are so many social media platforms and a lot of business owners feel like they need to be on all of them in order to have a large reach. However, focusing on too many places can be tiresome and actually reduce the quality of your content. It’s much better to have great content and visibility in fewer places than poor content in many. 

Most consumers use Facebook and Instagram these days, and you’ll want to reach them by spending a great deal of your social media efforts there. You can share great content, targeted through hashtags and personal tagging, and reach the vast majority of your target market, just by focusing on those two platforms. 

Post relevant content

Content marketing is one of the best ways to bring people to your website and turn them into leads. This is because the content you post gives you the opportunity to make yourself stand out from other similar businesses, as well as set yourself up as an expert in your industry.

When you post consistent and relevant content, your audience is most likely to engage with you, take your call to action, and share your posts with others. Your content is going to be one of the top ways that you increase your organic reach. 

Content should be relevant and informative articles on your website, as well as sharing these articles with short snippets on Facebook. You will also want to share shorter, but still useful, posts on Instagram, as well as in your Instagram Stories. Your social media posts will bring awareness of your business to your audience, and cause them to visit your website to learn more. 

Create for your target audience

When you are creating content and developing your social media profiles, you will want to keep your target audience in mind. Facebook actually allows you to use organic post targeting to determine who will see your posts. Hashtags on Instagram and Twitter give you the opportunity to do the same.

Consider certain aspects of your target audience such as age, gender, location, interests, relationship status, education, and more. The more specific you are, the more likely you are to reach a larger number of people that would actually be interested in what you have to offer. 

 Use the most popular tools for your content

There are actually specific types of posts and content that people are most compelled to view. While you will want your content and social media posts to be varied, you will want to make sure and utilize the most popular tools the most often.

In terms of content on your website, the most popular forms are videos, followed by articles with photos. When optimizing your content and website, include an abundance of these types of media. 

When it comes to social media, the top posts are videos, followed by statuses, and then photos. Again, by utilizing the popular posting trends, you are making sure your audience views your content and then heads to your website, where they will see more great content. 

The Final Word

Visibility and conversion is partially dependent upon your organic reach. However, algorithms have made it more difficult to have one. By utilizing a handful of simple tools and tricks, you can work around the algorithms and ensure a wide organic reach.